Every day thousands of people are impacted by a disaster, whether it is natural hazards, conflict or war, or their environments are no longer habitable to sustain their way of…
Certainly climate change has a hand in what we are experiencing now, but so does poor risk planning. While to fix one requires decades of transnational cooperation, the other requires…
An opportunity for your personal shopping also presents an opportunity for criminals to grab your cash, credit cards, purses, or gifts, whether from your person, your vehicle, or your home…
With consistent, heavy rain in our low-lying country, it can be expected that some areas will experience flooding. Statistics show that Flooding is the most common natural hazard world-wide, with…
Sometimes hot weather is welcomed, but when it’s too hot for too long, there are health risks. If hot weather hits this season, make sure it does not harm you…
Create A Hurricane Kit. Making sure you have your things like water, food, batteries, radio and flashlights are essential in case a hurricane forms. It also helps to have these…
Being prepared for any emergency, or disaster event means planning ahead. You must consider your daily activities, routine, and immediate essentials, and plan out how a disaster event would change…
Common experience reveals that persons with disabilities are more likely to be left behind during disaster and conflict evacuation situations. Here are tips to help those with disabilities cope and…
Disaster risk management cannot be efficient or effective without strong governance and empowered institutions. That requires leadership and political commitment.